Meet our Supporters



CCTV's Center for Media & Democracy gratefully depends on various sources of support including:

Cable Subscribers - Comcast and Burlington Telecom cable subscribers pay 2.1% of their monthly cable bill to support Channel 17 programming and operations. These funds are managed by the Channel 17 Trustees, who contract with CCTV to operate the channel.

Our Members - Nonprofit and individual members join as members in support of free speech, public access and open networks. We have 50 nonprofit members.

Our Customers - Activists, nonprofit organizations and public agencies purchase services from CCTV. They pay discounted rates for professional and affordable production and technical support services.

Private Foundations  & Donors - Capacity building work with Vermont's nonprofit community (training, communications planning and technical services) are underwritten by longstanding supporters: foundations and individual donors. The Vermont Community Foundation, the Media Justice Fund, the Surdna Foundation, the A.D. Henderson Foundation, and IBM Community Affairs. In 2008, we received funding from new supporters: the Chittenden Bank, the Vermont Community Foundation and the Media & Democracy Fund.

Federal Grants - Media Works for YOUth is largely paid for through a earmark procured with the help of U.S. Department of Justice Senator Patrick Leahy. MWY is also supported by modest contributions from local donors.

Thank You all so very much!

Featured Story

CCTV Receives NEH Grant to Support Community Archives

CCTV Center for Media & Democracy is pleased to announce receipt of a National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Humanities Collections and Reference Resources grant alongside 32 peer archival institutions across the country. This $49,927 grant award will support efforts to preserve and expand access to audio/visual community history materials in the CCTV Archives. Read more about this opportunity here!


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