South Burlington Development Review Board

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Agenda Items

  1. Other business/an nouncements, Minutes of February 2 and February 16, 2010 - 0:00
  2. Consent Agenda - 0:38
  3. Site plan application #SP-1 0-1 0 of Impact Radio, Inc. to install a three (3) meter satellite dish on a six (6) foot pole, 4049 Williston Road. - 6:43
  4. Final plat application #SD-1 0-03 of Robert L. Provost for a planned unit development on a 0.57 acre parcel developed with a single family dwelling. The proposal consists of: 1) adding an accessory residential unit to the existing single family dwelling, and 2) adding a second single family dwelling, 27 Birch Street. - 9:32
  5. Conditional use application #CU-10-02 of NFl Vermont, Inc. to construct a 1,560 sq. ft. addition to a group home located with 1,000 feet of another group home, 100 Allen Road./Site plan application #SP-1 0-14 of NFl Vermont, Inc. to construct a 1,560 sq. ft. addition to a group home on a property with two (2) other group homes, 100 Allen Road. - 30:09
  6. Conditional use application #CU-10-03 of Verizon Wireless to: 1) replace six (6) of the 12 existing antennas, and 2) add three (3) 700MHz antennas, 850 Hinesburg Road/Site plan application #SP-10-15 ofVerizon Wireless to: 1) replace six (6) of 12 antennas, and 2) install three (3) 700MHz antennas, all within the Stealth silo extension not to exceed 85 feet in Ileight, 850 Hinesburg Road. - 40:46
  7. Site plan application #SP-1 0-13 of Robert Berman, LLC to amend a previously approved plan for a 14,431 office/warehouse building. The amendment consists of developing the property in two (2) phases. Phase I will consist of : 1) converting the building to wholesale use, 2) adding a loading dock, 3) removing an attached shed, 4) relocating an HVAC unit 5) making minor parking improvements, and 6) constructing a deck. Phase II will consist of: 1) constructing a 4,200 sq. ft. addition for wholesale - 44:43

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The South Burlington Development Review Board meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month.

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1 Thursday March 11, 2010 at 8:00 PM
2 Friday March 12, 2010 at 1:00 AM
3 Friday March 12, 2010 at 7:00 AM


Charlie Giannoni

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