Upcoming Events & Training

Community Media Making Series- Age 12+ Through this 3-part series, we will equip people with the necessary tools and skills to craft video content that reflects their community but also serves as a unifying force, bringing residents closer together. We'll delve into the fundamental aspects of video production, ensuring participants develop a solid understanding of equipment handling, recording techniques, and the art of capturing community stories with confidence.
Day 1: Introductions, equipment overview and, interview practice Day 2: Filming and editing Day 3: Editing (shot selection bingo), group screening, review
Program Info: Materials - Participants are encouraged to bring their own smartphones to use, however the program will provide devices to use Location- "The R.E.C. Zone" - 94 Harvest Lane, Williston
Call us and we'll assess your training needs and work with you to help cover your event and tell your story. Contact Meghan O'Rourke at morourke@cctv.org