Propose a Show & Request Event Coverage

"I want to make a short video on bike safety. We have a great public speaker coming up--how do we reach a wider audience?"

Great! Every media project starts with a good story and the energy to make it happen.

Propose a Program> Plan your show and organize a crew. Once we train you, you'll be qualified to check out Town Meeting TV's production and editing equipment at no charge to produce a program that will air on Town Meeting TV (and your website or other Vermont access channels). maketv [at] cctv [dot] org

Request Event Coverage> Some public events qualify for coverage by Town Meeting TV. And your event does not meet those quidelines, you can borrow equipment and record it yourself, or hire CCTV Productions to do it for you. maketv [at] cctv [dot] org (Contact us) to learn more.

Request Airtime> If you've already produced your public interest program and it falls within Town Meeting TV guidelines, we'll be glad to air it on Town Meeting TV (which runs on Comcast and Burlington Telecom). Don't forget to ask us about Vermont Media Exchange (VMX) --an efficient way to distribute your program to Vermont's Access Network.airtimes [at] cctv [dot] org ( Email our Scheduler and Content Curator at airtimes [at] cctv [dot] org) or call them at 802.862.3966 x115 for air dates and times.