Don't Just Watch TV--Make It!

Propose a Program

Get involved. It's easy!

You want to expand your reach and impact. We want to help you plan your production and look at the best ways to reach your audience. Here's how:

1. Volunteer to run Town Meeting TV's Live at 5:25, field cameras, and special projects. It's a great opportunity to learn about video and help your community. Over the years, many Town Meeting TV staff people have been hired from our volunteer ranks. maketv [at] cctv [dot] org (Let us know you are interested) and we'll match you up!

2. Propose a Show. We'll provide the equipment and training to help you produce your interview, event, or public service announcement. As long as it touches on public affairs, Town Meeting TV will run it.

3. Get Training. Come to our Old North End studio for free video training (production, editing/post-production, and distribution) that enables you to make your own media. morourke [at] cctv [dot] org (Make an appointment.)

4. Borrow Equipment. Once you're trained, you can borrow portable video cameras, microphones, tripods, lights, and a laptop editor so you can work on your own TV program. morourke [at] cctv [dot] org (Reserve your kit here.)

5. Produce a Studio or Live Show. Hosting or producing your own live or recorded public affairs studio show on Town Meeting TV is easy. All you have to do is pick a subject, round up some guests (if you want), and give us a call to schedule some time. We provide the crew and the technical support you need. maketv [at] cctv [dot] org (Contact us to discuss your program.)

6. Request Event Coverage. If your event is connected falls within the Town Meeting TV Guidelines, we may be able to provide some staff time to cover the event. To determine if your program is eligible for coverage, Check the Guidelines and maketv [at] cctv [dot] org (get in touch with us! )
7. Hire Production Services. If you'd don't have the volunteers or the time to "make it yourself" and Town Meeting TV is not able to cover it, you can hire CCTV Productions to produce your program for you. We specialize in event coverage, short public information pieces, and websites. maketv [at] cctv [dot] org (Contact us for an Estimate.)

8. Bring Your Finished Program in to Air on Town Meeting TV. If you have already produced a program that falls within the Town Meeting TV Guidelines, we'd like to air it. morourke [at] cctv [dot] org (Tell us about your Program).

If you would like more information about producing your own program on Town Meeting TV or about volunteering contact Meghan O'Rourke, Channel Director, at 862-3966 x16 or morourke [at] cctv [dot] org.

Meet Channel 17's Community Producers 05/07/2008

Sam Mayfield visits with Channel 17&#... More »

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